
  • Claire Morse

  • James Cockayne

  • Jennifer Burn

  • Måns Carlsson


  • 14 February 2023

    Modern slavery is a wicked problem for Australia—but effective coordination of the actors involved in prevention, law enforcement and victim protection can enable a more effective response.

    Claire Morse and Conrad Townson

  • 19 December 2022

    The NSW Anti-slavery Commissioner explains why it’s in everyone’s interests to tackle modern slavery and human trafficking as a system-level challenge.

    James Cockayne

  • 2 December 2022

    To combat this human rights abuse, we need to understand the scale of the problem, amplify survivors’ voices and work towards a fair compensation system.

    Jennifer Burn

More articles

  • 2 December 2022

    The battle against modern slavery is increasingly occupying the mind of investors—collaboration can contribute to its demise.

    Måns Carlsson

Delivering pragmatic and smart policy solutions that will have far-reaching benefits for the people of NSW and beyond.


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