
Explore policy solutions for some of Australia’s biggest challenges.

Building a resilient economy for the future


How can Australia develop a productive and resilient economy through innovation, greater industrial capacity and upskilling?

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  • Vanita Yadav

  • Dilupa Nakandala


How can Australia achieve greater sustainability and transition to a Net Zero economy in an inclusive and resilient way?

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  • Tom Longden and Gina Gatarin

  • Parisa Ziaesaeidi


How can Australia improve the availability of affordable and appropriate housing for all people?

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  • Tom Longden and Gina Gatarin

  • Parisa Ziaesaeidi

Creating a fairer, healthier society for all


How can Australia prioritise wellbeing and early intervention – including in education and care – to address social and economic challenges?

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  • Cristy Brooks and Freya MacMillan

  • Cressida Gaukroger


How can Australia generate greater equity, including in the distribution of wealth and by lowering the cost of living?

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  • Parisa Ziaesaeidi

  • Taylor Hawkins

First Nations

How can Australia reach a more equitable and just future for First Nations people?

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  • Jarrod Wheatley

  • Jasmine Miller and Colina Reuben

Grasping the opportunities and managing the risks of systemic change


How can Australia grasp the opportunities and manage the risks of disruptive technologies such as AI?

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  • Dilupa Nakandala

  • Christopher Day

Social cohesion

How can Australia continue to be a leading plural and diverse society?

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  • Sarah Duffy & Emilee Gilbert

  • Teddy Nagaddya, Jenna Condie, Sharlotte Tusasiirwe & Kate Huppatz


How can Australian policymakers embrace innovative approaches and engage broader knowledge bases?

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  • Hugh Piper

  • Vanita Yadav