31 October 2023
While governments often prioritise rebuilding roads and other physical infrastructure post-disaster, just as great a focus is needed on supporting communities to build resilient social infrastructure.
Timothy Heffernan
24 October 2023
What is the potential for AI to automate repetitive, low complexity tasks in knowledge sectors? And what can government do to manage this transition?
Ian Opperman (with ChatGPT)
18 October 2023
Grasping the opportunities and managing the risks of generative AI is a generational challenge. The eSafety Commissioner explains how Australia is starting to tackle this issue.
Julie Inman Grant
10 October 2023
Skills mismatches will grow due to climate change and its economic fallout. Microcredentials can enable rapid and inclusive re-skilling while offering universities an opportunity to re-invent their mission in a “climate changed” world.
Jack Isherwood