6 March 2024
What role can stories play in supporting people-centred policymaking and place-based reform?
Thea Snow
6 December 2023
A child protection system preoccupied with risk aversion is impeding the emotional growth of children. We need a new model based on relational care and reciprocity to break the cycle.
Jarrod Wheatley
15 August 2023
Generative AI is here to stay. But with a nuanced understanding of the technology, sophisticated regulation and a long-term view, we can minimise its harms and capitalise on its transformative potential.
Ian Oppermann
27 February 2023
How to disrupt policy and enable collective intelligence – for people and place – by asking the questions that matter most.
Alex Fischer & Nick Davis
9 December 2022
What is required to translate recent policy progress into practice when it comes to engaging men and boys to prevent violence in our society? Changing the way men relate to themselves, to people in their lives and to deeply embedded norms that put pressure on men to be a certain way are key parts of the solution.
Matt Tyler
16 November 2022
Australian universities contribute to the public good. But we need to be more ambitious about realising their potential. It’s time to remedy and reimagine our research system.
Duncan Ivison