Project Description

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How can Australia generate greater equity, including in the distribution of wealth and by lowering the cost of living?

  • 12 February 2025

    The Adverse Childhood Experiences model lacks a First Nations lens. Focusing on early interventions and culturally safe, community-led strategies, as well as enhanced data collection, would improve health equity.

    Shakeel Mahmood

  • Parisa Ziaesaeidi

  • Taylor Hawkins

  • Jenny Gordon

More articles

  • Queensland’s new bail laws will infringe on the human rights of children. A better approach that understands the needs of vulnerable children is needed.

    Hannah Gandy

  • How to disrupt policy and enable collective intelligence – for people and place – by asking the questions that matter most.

    Alex Fischer & Nick Davis

  • Modern slavery is a wicked problem for Australia—but effective coordination of the actors involved in prevention, law enforcement and victim protection can enable a more effective response.

    Claire Morse and Conrad Townson