Project Description

Return to challenges


How can Australia prioritise wellbeing and early intervention – including in education and care – to address social and economic challenges?

  • 17 July 2024

    A childcare system that responds to the actual needs of families and local communities will improve equity and increase productivity. Here’s what a flexible, place-based approach might look like.

    Teddy Nagaddya

    Jenna Condie

    Sharlotte Tusasiirwe

  • Hannah Gandy

  • Alex Fischer & Nick Davis

  • Rachel Visontay, Louise Mewton and Maree Teesson

More articles

  • The harms and costs of alcohol to Australia are clear. Government needs to mandate effective messaging around alcohol consumption.

    Rachel Visontay, Louise Mewton and Maree Teesson

  • The harms and costs of alcohol to Australia are clear. Government needs to mandate effective messaging around alcohol consumption.

    Rachel Visontay, Louise Mewton and Maree Teesson

  • What is required to translate recent policy progress into practice when it comes to engaging men and boys to prevent violence in our society? Changing the way men relate to themselves, to people in their lives and to deeply embedded norms that put pressure on men to be a certain way are key parts of the solution.

    Matt Tyler