Project Description
How can Australia prioritise wellbeing and early intervention – including in education and care – to address social and economic challenges?
23 January 2025
Food insecurity is a growing problem for Australians – but we need better data and evidence to understand it. Here’s how government can implement more robust and comprehensive data collection to inform policymaking on food security.
Rebecca Lindberg
Katherine Kent
Rebecca Lindberg
Recent changes to Australia’s Paid Parental Leave scheme are a positive development. However, government can do more to value care work as a social good, including by encouraging fathers to take paternity leave and integrating parental leave with childcare and education policies.
Sarah Duffy & Emilee Gilbert
Some governments are starting to develop better frameworks to understand the benefits of investing in long-term wellbeing and prevention. Here’s where to start.
Hannah Lobb
A childcare system that responds to the actual needs of families and local communities will improve equity and increase productivity. Here’s what a flexible, place-based approach might look like.
Teddy Nagaddya, Jenna Condie, Sharlotte Tusasiirwe & Kate Huppatz