Project Description

Return to challenges


How can Australia prioritise wellbeing and early intervention – including in education and care – to address social and economic challenges?

  • 15 August 2024

    Recent changes to Australia’s Paid Parental Leave scheme are a positive development. However, government can do more to value care work as a social good, including by encouraging fathers to take paternity leave and integrating parental leave with childcare and education policies.

    Sarah Duffy

    Emilee Gilbert

  • Maxwell Yong

  • Cliff Eberly and Wenqian Gan

  • Harry Grant

More articles

  • A child protection system preoccupied with risk aversion is impeding the emotional growth of children. We need a new model based on relational care and reciprocity to break the cycle.

    Jarrod Wheatley

  • How can the law and policy governing disaster responses better facilitate shared decision-making between communities and government?

    Pam Joseph, Cate Massola, Margot Rawsthorne & Amanda Howard

  • While governments often prioritise rebuilding roads and other physical infrastructure post-disaster, just as great a focus is needed on supporting communities to build resilient social infrastructure.

    Timothy Heffernan