Event program

9:30am -9:40am

Welcome and introduction

Libby Hackett

The James Martin Institute for Public Policy

Fiona Docherty

Vice President – External Engagement, UNSW Sydney

Professor Attila Brungs

Vice-Chancellor & President, UNSW Sydney

9:40am -10:00am

Keynote address

The Hon. Prue Car MP

NSW Deputy Premier

10:00am -10:45am

Panel 1: Economic resilience and productivity: new possibilities for NSW

Our panel will explore new ideas around how public policy can drive inclusive and sustainable economic growth. How can governments ‘shape’ markets for the good of society? How can they unlock the potential of place-based economic strategies? This panel will explore these questions in the context of emerging economic possibilities for NSW.

Professor Roy Green

Emeritus Professor and Special Innovation Advisor, University of Technology Sydney

Dr Jenny Gordon

Honorary Professor at the Centre for Social Research and Methods, Australian National University

Professor Richard Holden

Professor of Economics, UNSW Business School

Professor Heidi Norman

Associate Dean (Indigenous), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Technology Sydney

Dr Aruna Sathanapally

Executive Director of the Macroeconomy Group, NSW Treasury

10:45am -11:15am

Policy Impact Exhibition & Networking

Meet the trailblazers in public policy research and innovation in NSW

The Policy Impact Exhibition offers an exclusive insight into how leading public policy institutes design and deliver high-impact projects with far-reaching benefits for people across the country.

11:15am -11:35am


Professor Peter Shergold AC

Chair of JMI

11:35am -12:15pm

Panel 2: Democratic policymaking: empowering people and communities to solve big challenges

From inequality and disadvantage to the transition to a net zero economy, how can citizen-centric government empower people and communities to become active shapers of the collective response to our biggest challenges?

Professor Mark Evans

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Charles Sturt University

The Hon. Prof. Verity Firth AM

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Social Justice and Inclusion) and Industry Professor for Education and Public Benefit, University of Technology Sydney

Dr Frances Foster-Thorpe

Executive Director, Shaping Futures and Data Insights Branch, The Cabinet Office

Professor Andy Marks

Chief Executive Officer of the NUW Alliance and pro vice-chancellor, Western Sydney University, Chair of the Western Sydney Community Forum, Executive Director, Centre for Western Sydney

Associate Professor Amanda Tattersall

Sydney Policy Lab, University of Sydney

12:15pm -12:25pm


The Hon. Rose Jackson MLC

Minister for Water, Minister for Housing, Minister for Homelessness, Minister for Mental Health, Minister for Youth, and Minister for the North Coast

12:25pm -12:30pm


12:30pm -1:30pm

Networking Lunch


  • Parisa Ziaesaeidi

  • Cristy Brooks and Freya MacMillan

  • Ehsan Noroozinejad Farsangi and Greg Morrison

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