Featured article
22 April 2024
With Australia’s Online Safety Act under review, regulators should take heed of the UK’s experience in imposing duties of care on digital platforms.
Rys Farthing
Lorna Woods
Latest articles
17 December 2024
Greater access to EV charging in densely populated areas can encourage sustainability. Here’s four expert recommendations to boost EV charging installation in apartment buildings.
Tom Longden and Gina Gatarin
3 December 2024
NSW has an abundance of public parks and natural beauty. Here’s how we can ensure more of these spaces are inclusive hubs for community cohesion and environmental resilience.
Parisa Ziaesaeidi
18 November 2024
Better coordinated approaches that prioritise preventative health could help stem diabetes prevalence in Australia.
Cristy Brooks and Freya MacMillan
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13 September 2024
Despite having a robust and mature retirement savings system, many Australians are choosing property as their preferred retirement investment. By addressing underlying trust issues in the superannuation system, government can alleviate this added pressure on the property market and encourage a more balanced approach to retirement planning.
Reza Tajaddini, Hassan Gholipour Fereidouni & Amir Arjomandi
2 September 2024
By measuring outcomes beyond immediate upfront costs, governments can develop a more holistic understanding of the downstream effects of their decisions. Here’s where to start.
Cressida Gaukroger
27 August 2024
Innovative analysis of paleoclimate data from the last thousand years is informing better environmental management. What more can governments do to harness this valuable natural record to improve policymaking?
Philippa Higgins, Chris Turney, Jonathan Palmer, Tristan Derham, Lucinda Duxbury and Matthew Fielding
The Policymaker in 2023: our most-read articles
Hugh Piper2024-01-15T09:09:26+11:0022 December 2023|
In its second year, The Policymaker has grown to become a leading platform for public policy analysis and ideas informed by research expertise and experience – here are our five most popular articles in 2023.
I never said “thank you” to my calculator: reflections from the outgoing NSW Chief Data Scientist
Ian Oppermann2023-12-22T10:00:18+11:0019 December 2023|
As AI becomes invisibly embedded in everyday life, we must remain laser focused on controlling and regulating how it uses data and the data it generates.
Harnessing research and innovation to secure NSW’s future
Anoulack Chanthivong2023-12-19T10:10:36+11:0012 December 2023|
NSW’s minister for industry and innovation outlines his vision for the NSW economy with research and evidence driving the government’s industry, decarbonisation and innovation policies.
Children in crisis need real relationships: the case for a child connection system
Jarrod Wheatley2024-12-16T14:41:22+11:006 December 2023|
A child protection system preoccupied with risk aversion is impeding the emotional growth of children. We need a new model based on relational care and reciprocity to break the cycle.
Developing community involvement in emergency management policy
Pam Joseph2024-12-16T15:03:11+11:0029 November 2023|
How can the law and policy governing disaster responses better facilitate shared decision-making between communities and government?
Hard truths about researchers as honest brokers
Ed Morgan2024-05-08T11:19:12+11:008 November 2023|
What are the challenges to academic influence in public policy? And what practical steps are available to bridge the gap between researchers and policymakers?
Building social resilience through community-oriented approaches to disaster management
Timothy Heffernan2023-12-06T08:51:37+11:0031 October 2023|
While governments often prioritise rebuilding roads and other physical infrastructure post-disaster, just as great a focus is needed on supporting communities to build resilient social infrastructure.
Dull, Dirty and Dangerous
Ian Oppermann2023-10-31T09:03:03+11:0024 October 2023|
What is the potential for AI to automate repetitive, low complexity tasks in knowledge sectors? And what can government do to manage this transition?
Safeguarding the future: preventing the misuse of generative AI
Julie Inman Grant2024-10-29T10:00:14+11:0018 October 2023|
Grasping the opportunities and managing the risks of generative AI is a generational challenge. The eSafety Commissioner explains how Australia is starting to tackle this issue.
Microcredentials: Small steppingstones towards a more inclusive future?
Jack Isherwood2023-10-18T07:59:53+11:0010 October 2023|
Skills mismatches will grow due to climate change and its economic fallout. Microcredentials can enable rapid and inclusive re-skilling while offering universities an opportunity to re-invent their mission in a “climate changed” world.