
Featured article

  • 25 July 2024

    Industry policy is experiencing a renaissance as governments address compounding economic, social, environmental and strategic challenges. What can we learn from policymakers and researchers working on these grand challenges?

    Simon Rowell

Latest articles

  • 18 December 2024

    We published more articles and authors than ever before in 2024, as The Policymaker continued to grow as a leading platform for public policy analysis and ideas. Here are our five most popular articles from this year.

    Hugh Piper

  • 17 December 2024

    Greater access to EV charging in densely populated areas can encourage sustainability. Here’s four expert recommendations to boost EV charging installation in apartment buildings.

    Tom Longden and Gina Gatarin

  • 3 December 2024

    NSW has an abundance of public parks and natural beauty. Here’s how we can ensure more of these spaces are inclusive hubs for community cohesion and environmental resilience.

    Parisa Ziaesaeidi



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Explore recent articles

  • 8 October 2024

    Australia can move beyond sustainability and circularity towards an approach to industrial innovation prioritising regenerating nature and our social wellbeing.

    Vanita Yadav

  • 30 September 2024

    SMEs are critical to NSW and Australia’s manufacturing landscape and are vital to economic renewal. However, manufacturing SMEs have struggled to increase productivity by harnessing advanced technologies. As government deepens its focus on industry policy, here’s how to fix that.

    Dilupa Nakandala

  • 16 September 2024

    As the challenges to maintaining economic resilience, social cohesion, and mental wellbeing grow, national time banks could mobilise social production and safeguard prosperity.

    Jo-An Occhipinti, Ante Prodan, William Hynes, John Buchanan, Goran Ujdur and Harris Eyre

The dangers of pluralisation: A singular duty of care in the Online Safety Act

22 April 2024|

With Australia’s Online Safety Act under review, regulators should take heed of the UK’s experience in imposing duties of care on digital platforms.

Getting the tertiary transition right: six things high schools can do to set students up for success at university

20 March 2024|

The transition from school to university is a pivotal moment in the lives of young people – how can we better support their choices for improved individual and social outcomes?

Australia’s housing crisis: bolstering community and individual resilience with meaningful structural reform

13 March 2024|

Australians have proven themselves resilient in the face of housing pressures – but structural reform to boost supply and dampen rising costs is desperately needed.

Digital (t)winning: the potential for AI as a public policy design tool

27 February 2024|

While the political and policy focus has rightly been on regulating artificial intelligence, we also need to plan now to harness AI’s power as a policymaking tool – especially, its capacity to model outcomes in complex systems.

The Finger and the Moon: measuring research impact by nesting abstractions in contexts

7 February 2024|

Simple quantitative metrics don’t do justice to the breadth and complexity of human experience. Researchers and policymakers can benefit from frameworks implementing a nested relationship between data and lived experiences, metrics and relational processes.

‘Round and ‘round we go! Let’s get off the carousel and build a social services system that works for people

2 February 2024|

As governments look to reform our social services systems, they must tap into the transformative power of relationships.

Empowering the future: breaking the cycle of youth mental ill health through political agency

18 January 2024|

With poor mental health outcomes for young people linked to a lack of agency to shape society, how can we better reflect the interests of youth in policy and politics?

A vision splendid: unlocking patient capital through long-term asset funds

15 January 2024|

Australia’s superannuation funds can anchor long-term investments that are essential for the development of new industries, especially manufacturing, and the transition to a low emissions economy.

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