Project Description
How can Australian policymakers embrace innovative approaches and engage broader knowledge bases?
26 June 2024
Government has emerged as a decisive strategic investor in Australia, helping shape markets to address complex policy challenges. How did it get here and what can it do next?
Simon Rowell
Improved data management, monitoring and analysis could be critical to combatting racism – here’s a plan for how research and numbers can help us tackle one of Australia’s biggest social issues.
Jehonathan Ben, Amanuel Elias, and Rachel Sharples
For Australia to become more inclusive—where no one is left behind—children need to be front of mind for policymakers when developing and implementing our post-Covid recovery framework.
Alicia Mollaun
COVID-19 reminded us that insights from the lab and the social world must be considered in tandem to tackle some of our hardest public health challenges.
Peter Doherty