Project Description

Return to challenges


How can Australian policymakers embrace innovative approaches and engage broader knowledge bases?

  • 26 June 2024

    Government has emerged as a decisive strategic investor in Australia, helping shape markets to address complex policy challenges. How did it get here and what can it do next?

    Simon Rowell

  • Rachael Lewis and Mike Woods

  • Amanda Tattersall

  • Alicia Mollaun

More articles

  • Improved data management, monitoring and analysis could be critical to combatting racism – here’s a plan for how research and numbers can help us tackle one of Australia’s biggest social issues.

    Jehonathan Ben, Amanuel Elias, and Rachel Sharples

  • For Australia to become more inclusive—where no one is left behind—children need to be front of mind for policymakers when developing and implementing our post-Covid recovery framework.

    Alicia Mollaun

  • COVID-19 reminded us that insights from the lab and the social world must be considered in tandem to tackle some of our hardest public health challenges.

    Peter Doherty