• 26 June 2024

    Government has emerged as a decisive strategic investor in Australia, helping shape markets to address complex policy challenges. How did it get here and what can it do next?

    Simon Rowell

  • 2 May 2024

    Australia needs a more deliberate approach to industrial policy to achieve a productivity dividend within tight budget constraints – here’s how.

    Christopher Day

  • 12 December 2023

    NSW’s minister for industry and innovation outlines his vision for the NSW economy with research and evidence driving the government’s industry, decarbonisation and innovation policies.

    Anoulack Chanthivong

  • 2 December 2022

    The battle against modern slavery is increasingly occupying the mind of investors—collaboration can contribute to its demise.

    Måns Carlsson

  • 28 July 2022

    We should reimagine how capital markets can better back women entrepreneurs, especially those at society’s margins, and boost women’s economic security more broadly. The design of a new venture capital fund announced by the NSW Government can demonstrate what’s possible.

    Vafa Ghazavi