• 29 April 2024

    Financial literacy, workplace skills, health consciousness and independent living should all be core lessons for Australian high schoolers.

    Maxwell Yong

  • 20 March 2024

    The transition from school to university is a pivotal moment in the lives of young people – how can we better support their choices for improved individual and social outcomes?

    Maxwell Yong

  • 18 January 2024

    With poor mental health outcomes for young people linked to a lack of agency to shape society, how can we better reflect the interests of youth in policy and politics?

    Harry Grant

  • 6 December 2023

    A child protection system preoccupied with risk aversion is impeding the emotional growth of children. We need a new model based on relational care and reciprocity to break the cycle.

    Jarrod Wheatley

  • 31 August 2022

    The new Labor government has a historic opportunity to boost young people’s wellbeing as part of its economic agenda—here’s how.

    Travers McLeod

  • 29 August 2022

    Digital technologies offer an opportunity to tackle Australia’s youth mental health crisis. But effective solutions will require us to think innovatively and listen to the voices of young people with first-hand experience.

    Amira Skeggs